Body, Face and Brain Getting Younger With Age – NATURALLY Anti-Aging
This is a powerful Sneak-Preview PRIMER episode for the in-depth, full-length podcast interview Annie and I will be recording and sharing in about 5 weeks (Comment below if you would like the link to that when we publish it.)
Here is the video version if you’d prefer to watch the interview:
In this new episode of The Fitness Truth Podcast, not only does Annie share the specific improvements happening to her entire body, face, mindset and life, but we also cover:
1 – how she is finally sleeping deeply and soundly, after years of sleep dysfunctions, insomnia and all the ill effects that are a result of poor sleep
2 – how she feels like a younger & new version of herself in her mid-60’s despite over 30 years of trying all the hard workout programs, crazy body-damaging diets and awful supplement scams combined with punishing exercise routines that felt like torture and left her worse off…
3 – how she’s getting compliments and questions about how her face & skin is looking younger with her skin being tighter and everything lifting, literally defying gravity
4 – How her glutes are sculpting, shaping and lifting upward as her cellulite continues to fade away… and her butt & thighs look better and better
We talk about a few other unique & important items and helpful points as well.
Any woman who wants to rejuvenate her body, regain proper function of her brain, get rid of cellulite, burn away excess body-fat, reignite her passion for life, enhance her total-health & well-being and all that comes with that – needs to watch this episode as we reveal a powerful preview of truths that you won’t find, hear or see anywhere else because this is very unconventional, BUT it is true and real…
Real age-reversal can only be achieved one way. That is what we share in yet another “anti-aging” age-reversal fitness success story.
Any questions, comments or thoughts about “Body, Face and Brain Getting Younger With Age – NATURALLY Anti-Aging” from Exercise Physiologist and Private Health Coach & Fitness Consultant, Joey “The Truth” Atlas – then please post below.
1 – these are the options for ordering Naked Beauty/The SYMULAST Method
2 – this is the link to learn about Total-Access (also includes all the Naked Beauty programs), which is what Annie is following for her fitness training routines I guide her on, as well as the recipes and snacks (most women go straight to Total-Access for all my programs, progressions, variations, toning & fat-burning recipe videos, etc)
Want to share this with a friend or two? Just us the ‘share’ button on the player here:
Any questions, comments or thoughts about “Annie’s Success Story Preview”? Then just post below or send a private coaching/consulting inquiry via this page.
Here’s the link to Stephanie’s Cellulite Success Story: 96 Percent Cellulite Removal for Busy Mom Plus Toning, Health, Brain and Body-Composition Improvements/strong>
Here is a link to Beth’s Cellulite Success Story Plus Major Body, Mind and Health Optimization
And here is a link to Diana’s Cellulite Success Story with Cellulite Before & After Photos on Her New Body Makeover
And here is a link to Marcia’s cellulite before and after success story
Here’s the link to Selda’s cellulite before and after photos
And here is the link to Lauren’s 1-Year cellulite success story interview

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