96 Percent Cellulite Removal for Busy Mom Plus Toning and Body-Composition Improvements
Here is the video version if you’d prefer to watch the interview:
Below is Stephanie’s first cellulite removal by reversal early progress update from about 4 or 5 months before this interview above:
85% Cellulite Removal – Amazing Cellulite Success Story Plus Major Health Improvements Beyond Cellulite from Stephanie G
In this new episode of The Fitness Truth Podcast, not only does Stephanie share how she went from 85% cellulite reduction to a smoking 96% cellulite removal level, but we also cover:
1 – some of the exact gentle training sessions she is using to bring about these astounding results and improvements of all her trouble-zones and problem areas (butt, thighs, inner thighs, outer thighs, legs, belly, arms, etc.)
2 – the way she has been using my ‘micro-sessions’ and ‘stealth-sets’ on days when she is tight on time…
3 – more details on the ‘glute inspection and confirmation’ by hubby, Dan, that the stubborn cellulite dents on her lower buns were, and are, GONE…
4 – and the new “cellulite focused” fitness training schedule she’ll follow starting this week, with an eye on taking “success story bikini photos” in the Summer
We talk about a few other unique & important items and helpful points as well.
Any woman who wants to get rid of cellulite needs to watch this episode as we reveals truths that you won’t find, hear, or see, anywhere else.
We also talk about some foods and recipes she has found helpful for cellulite removal.
Reversing the cause of cellulite can only be achieved one way. That is what we reveal in yet another cellulite success story.
Any questions, comments or thoughts about “96% Cellulite Removal for Busy Mom w/ Health & Body-Composition Improvements to Get Rid of Cellulite” from Exercise Physiologist and Private Health Coach & Fitness Consultant, Joey “The Truth” Atlas – then please post below.
1 – these are the options for ordering Naked Beauty/The SYMULAST Method
2 – this is the link to learn about Total-Access (also includes all the Naked Beauty programs), which is what Stephanie and most other women upgrade to for all my other programs, progressions, variations, toning & fat-burning recipe videos, etc)
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Any questions, comments or thoughts about “Stephanie’s Cellulite Success Story”? Then just post below or send a private coaching/consulting inquiry via this page.
Here is a link to Beth’s Cellulite Success Story Plus Major Body, Mind and Health Optimization
And here is a link to Diana’s Cellulite Success Story with Cellulite Before & After Photos on Her New Body Makeover
And here is a link to Marcia’s cellulite before and after success story
Here’s the link to Selda’s cellulite before and after photos
And here is the link to Lauren’s 1-Year cellulite success story interview

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