The Fitness Whisperer Podcast Episode #8, Season #2 – COVID-Flab Comeback! Mom Tones Body, Reverses Cellulite, Drops Weight, Regains Health
This episode of the The Fitness Whisperer Podcast goes far beyond just the "cellulite"reversal and into various health and wellness improvements… (see Stephanie’s email and progress preview photo below too)…
UPDATE: Stephanie reached out 4.5 months AFTER the progress interview below and we recorded another follow-up Cellulite Removal/Reversal Progress Interview/Q&A session and if you’d like to see that, you can do that right here:
==> 96 Percent Cellulite Removal for Busy Mom Plus Toning and Body-Composition Improvements

If you want to see/hear the first interview we did – here you go…
You can hear the audio version by clicking on the little ‘play’ button triangle or you can watch the video version below 🙂
And if you’d like to watch the video version, you can do that right here:
You can also view it on Youtube here => COVID-Flab Comeback! Mom Tones Body, Reverses Cellulite, Drops Weight, Regains Health
…that highlight even more reasons why we need to keep doing this type of gentle fitness training and eating healthy delicious meals and snacks (I share over 100 of them in Total-Access)…
This goes both for short term improvements and results, as well as the long term benefits of a high quality of life for decades to come…
I'll simply share the email Stephanie sent me which led to us connecting and agreeing to record this video interview and the audio podcast.
NOTE – to cut down on incoming email questions, you will read in Steph's words she started with Naked Beauty and soon bumped right up to everything in Total-Access here, which I’m currently including with Total-Access as past of the seasonal special I’m running… (she claims below "…the best $19. I spend each month…" )
Here's what she wrote:
Hi Joey-
I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for your program!
I love the workouts and the variety on the monthly membership is awesome.
A little background on my story:
I started having heart pain and arrhythmias after my first child was born.
It got worse when I would do any exercise of any kind, so I was told to stop exercising, so I did
It was fine with me; I always hated exercising anyways.
For about 6, almost 7 years, I really didn’t do any exercise.
I stayed relatively thin because of a combination of genetics and healthy eating (most of the time).
But I noticed that I didn’t really have any muscle definition anymore.
I was an athlete my whole life and was always toned, but now I had mushy thighs and a flat butt and a pooch on my belly that didn’t want to go away after the birth of my second child and my arms were getting mushy too.
I guess maybe I was skinny-fat.
Well, Covid came around and I just started kind of eating whatever I wanted.
I ate sweets again and more unhealthy foods and larger quantities of them.
I started to gain weight and my pants started to be really tight…like I couldn’t wait to get them off at night.
I gained 15 pounds in a matter of 6 months or so.
My friends were like, no you didn’t.
But I did.
The numbers and my pants don’t lie.
I was also starting to notice my portal hypertension pain very consistently in my right side of my abdomen.
And in my leg, my veins were really starting to hurt.
I decided that it was time to start eating better again.
This spring I was in a jean skirt and noticed that I really had a lot of cellulite.
I was searching on "how to get rid of cellulite", when I ran across you.
I bought your initial program right away and was willing and ready to try it.
To my pleasant surprise, I didn’t have any heart pain or arrhythmias while doing your workouts!
Praise the Lord!
So, I cautiously and steadily continued and eventually bought your monthly Total Access Program ( the best $19. I spend every month! ).
I started noticing several pleasant changes after a few of months:
– I started noticing a little more definition in my legs.
– I started feeling stronger and having more energy in general and especially on the days I work out.
– I started noticing that my portal hypertension pain was much less and that my leg pain from my veins was completely gone.
– I noticed that my pooch on my belly is almost all gone and I have muscle definition on my abdomen.
– And my legs look years younger and my butt looks great! I have a butt again!
– My shoulders and arms look toned as well.
Best of all, I just FEEL better all around.
I can tell this program is making a difference for me for my overall health and wellness.
I have only been doing this for about 5 months and am excited for the long term effects as well.
This is the first exercise program that I have been able to do and WANTED to do and stick with it.
I still have a ways to go to get rid of the rest of my cellulite, especially on my inner thighs, but it is worth the effort!
Thank you for taking the time to put all this together in an easy to access way for us.
Thank you for putting together a program that anyone can use.
What a gift!
Again – to cut down on incoming emails, as you read in Steph's words above, she started with Naked Beauty and soon bumped right up to everything in Total-Access here (she says "…the best $19 I spend each month…" )
If you're not already on the easy path to your best self with us in Total Access – ask yourself this…
"Is my health, my body, my well-being, my happiness and my quality of life worth .62 cents per day?"
I think you are wise enough to know the answer 🙂
So, come join us here, if you haven't already – and please think of at least one other person who would benefit from today’s episode and share it with them 🙂
Want to share this with a friend or two? Just use the ‘share’ button on the player here:
Any questions, comments or thoughts about “Stephanie’s Cellulite Success Story”? Then just post below or send a private coaching/consulting inquiry via this page.
Here’s the link to Carol’s Big Cellulite Success Story: Before & After Her Cellulite Removal
Here’s the link to Beth’s Cellulite Success Story Plus Major Body, Mind and Health Optimization
Here’s the link to Diana’s Cellulite Success Story with Cellulite Before & After Photos on Her New Body Makeover
Here’s the link to Marcia’s cellulite before and after success story
Here’s the link to Selda’s cellulite before and after photos
And here is the link to Lauren’s 1-Year cellulite success story interview
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