Fasciablaster Goodbye: Aimee Fasciablasted for 4 Years. Guess What Happened?
We already know “cellulite” isn’t permanent and with the right method we can reverse the hidden cause of it, just like Diana did with the RIGHT exercises (no devices, no gimmicks, no phony lotions), and so many others have as well…
…pay attention, because today's post may spare you much expense, emotional harm and physical destruction…
You may want to share this with someone considering "blasting" for cellulite, as it might save them from much damage and problems…
There are thousands and thousands of women around the world being destroyed by the blasting devices and methods being touted as "the miracle" fix for women who want to get rid of their "cellulite issues"…
…only to experience damage, pain and medical complications they never would have risked if they knew the potential consequences from the start…
Here's just one example before I get into "Aimee's" full story down below (I'm using "Aimee" as her name to protect her identity, as requested.)
Again, that's just one post…
Most women who suffer damage don't even come forward as they are embarrassed to share what has happened…
Today I'm going to share another real life example of a woman, who is open to sharing this, who did 4 years of "blasting" damage, leaving her body, as she puts it;
"About six months ago I looked in the mirror and finally accepted that I had ground my thighs into hamburger meat.
They looked hideous. I realized this couldn’t be right and I was quite upset.
My body has bounced back so much these past six months since I stopped blasting, so I know I’m going to do well by doing the right things now…"
But the story gets even better…
For context – Aimee is now a Total-Access member and also a private 1-on-1 remote coaching client…
Her "blasting" details (shared below) came out in our private daily coaching checkin and I asked her if I could share it with my audience to possibly help others avoid the same fate…
It's important to note; the way she is repairing her body now is the exact way any woman can achieve her best body and optimum health for LIFE…
Here's how this came about…
Aimee shared this in our daily private coaching checkin document:
Saturday Check-in:
Fitness Training Summary:
"…I did the Day Five circuits.
A lot of my stretches have gotten better quickly, thank goodness.
I used to do yoga but spent so much time blasting that I dropped it. 🙁
After I saw that, I asked Aimee if she could share the deeper details of her blasting ordeal.
Here's what she posted for me the following day:
Sunday Check-in:
Fitness Training Summary:
I started blasting 4 years ago and with gusto. I thought it was helping for a little while, then not so sure.
I sent pics to them, got “coaching”, and I would try a different $100 tool, press softer or harder, sideways, up and down, shorter sessions, longer sessions.
I did my cardio and hot tub to heat the body tissue better and make it more pliable like they said.
I watched their YouTube videos and tried all their techniques.
I kept thinking I must be going through phases and things would smooth out eventually.
They have a saying “worse before better.”
I thought that’s what I was going through.
About six months ago I looked in the mirror and finally accepted that I had ground my thighs into hamburger meat.
They looked hideous.
I realized this couldn’t be right and I was quite upset.
My body has bounced back so much these past six months since I stopped blasting so I know I’m going to do well doing the right things now.
I’m getting rid of these stupid tools and never looking back.
So think about it – four years of three times a week hot tub and 1 hour blasting sessions for full body at first, then gradually slacking off over time as I lost faith that things would improve.
That’s a lot of time with my family I sacrificed to try and solve my cellulite problems, not counting the cardio and workouts I was doing.
I thought eventually things would smooth out like they said, and I’d be able to do less but now I realize it was just insane, really, and destructive, and expensive on so many levels.
I don’t think anyone would say I don’t have tenacity or initiative. ? I’m a Juilliard graduate and a professional cellist – I have persistence.
But it’s gone to waste at times, with good intentions.
You can see by this story why I’m so relieved to be accomplishing so much more in so much less time now!
You can also see that I’m willing to do what it takes to accomplish my goals.
There you have it.
As told by someone who followed the "blasting" protocols to the letter, and beyond, only to find that it was destroying her body more and more…
And the "worse before better" part is another part of the hoax that teases women to "keep going" even if things are looking awful and feeling worse…
So, Aimee is now on the perfect track with the correct fitness training programs and weekly routines I include here (anyone can do these, without doing the 1-on-1 custom coaching with me)…
And with the extra layer of personalized coaching, accountability and guidance I'm giving her with the 1-on-1 remote private coaching – she is making profound progress…
Rebuilding the broken connective tissue…
…stimulating the production of new fascia..
..reactivating muscle fibers that were damaged…
..getting the skin looking better and better as the weeks progress..
And giving the body what it NEEDS in order to IMPROVE…. We're on the way!
And she and I are also working on trimming down her "heavy supplement intake" as we speak – which will probably save her an easy $300 per month, maybe even more.
As you may already know from my past articles – some supplements are worthy, valuable and beneficial – but they have to be properly sourced, "clean" ingredients and not "overdone"…
To close this out, these are some of Aimee's coaching check-in comments I shared previously – if you missed them, here they are:
If you're not on the right program, that is the number one thing you need to have, before anything else.
So, if that sounds like you, then come here, watch the short video from the ladies and then you'll know what to do next…
Any questions, comments or thoughts about “Fasciablaster Goodbye: Aimee Fasciablasted for 4 Years. Guess What Happened?”? Then just post below or send a private coaching/consulting inquiry via this page.
Here’s the link to Carol’s Big Cellulite Success Story: Before & After Her Cellulite Removal
Here’s the link to Beth’s Cellulite Success Story Plus Major Body, Mind and Health Optimization
And here’s the link to Diana’s Cellulite Success Story with Cellulite Before & After Photos on Her New Body Makeover
And the link to Marcia’s cellulite before and after success story
And the link to Selda’s cellulite before and after photos
And here is the link to Lauren’s 1-Year cellulite success story interview
Your trainer for LIFE
~ Joey "The Truth" Atlas