Carol’s Big Cellulite Success Story: Before & After Her Cellulite Removal And Newfound Fitness Success for LIFE
You can hear the audio version by clicking on the little ‘play’ button triangle or you can watch the video version below 🙂
And if you’d like to watch the video version, you can do that right here:
You can also view it on Youtube here => Carol’s Big Cellulite Success Story: Before & After Her Cellulite Removal
Here’s how Carol’s big cellulite success story ended up on this podcast all started…
I did not know she had been on my program(s), she was a “quiet user” and then, several months into being “on the program”, she came into my optional facebook group and posted this (read down below for her ENTIRE detialed reply, which then led to us recording this in-depth “cellulite success story” podcast episode:
NOTE – this is the link to her direct post, in my optional private group on facebook (Feel free to come join if you’d like.)
Before I give you Carol’s detailed reply about her big victory over the cellulite in the fb thread, I need to outline what we share and reveal in The Fitness Whisperer Podcast, Episode #7, Season #2 first:
1 – How Carol developed cellulite starting in her 20’s, and how it got worse, no matter how hard her “gym weight-lifting” workouts were…
2 – What caused her to seek out a solution to help her reverse the cause of cellulite and take back control of her fitness & well-being…
3 – What made her feel that she could trust my reasoning about the cause of cellulite, and therefore trust the one way that could possibly get rid of her cellulite issues
4 – The early effects, improvements and changes she started feeling and seeing within the first 4-8 weeks…
5 – How her butt, thighs and legs went from saggy with cellulite to smoother, tighter, firmer and more toned
6 – How the rest of her body also improved dramatically, arms toning up, shoulders getting sculpted, back getting defined and toned…
7 – How her weight and body-composition are still improving as she continues her new way of fitness and health prioritization
8 – The removal of lower-back pain and neck-pain she used to have..
And MUCH more, that EVERY woman needs to hear…

And here is Carol’s reply (copy & pasted here) to my questions in the fb thread:
I’m so stoked that you replied directly to me! Thank you.
I feel like I know you because you’re so real in your videos. I’ll be able to relax about my “sitting stomach” now.
To answer your questions:
I didn’t take any before and after photos, because, really, who wants to see themselves captured for eternity in ‘before’?
I can tell you that I did have extra inches and plenty of cellulite on my derriere and thighs (esp. backsides).
The same areas were also pretty saggy.
Years earlier, I had been in good shape. I missed that and wanted to feel strong and good about my body again.
I was online reading about what cellulite is and good ways to get it off.
That’s when a link to a video you did on a morning news show came up.
Your down-to-earth manner and promise that women can lose cellulite by doing a number of simple, slow moves, in the order you prescribe, was enough for me.
I somehow already knew that slow movements bring about quick results, so I felt like I could believe you.
I also felt that you were passionate and sincere if you showed the world your routine on TV, without asking for money to view it. (You deserve every penny you get, BTW).
I signed up for the SYMULAST Method video (in February, I believe) and started doing it right away 3-4 times per week. I saw results very quickly.
My skin began looking smoother and smoother. And just so ya don’t think I’m perfect, there’s still a little cellulite there, which a person can see if the light is just right.
I wanted my sagging tush and thighs to firm up, so started incorporating the Total Body Toning videos, and Flat Sexy Stomach, etc, into my days.
That’s when I started seeing rounding and firming taking place.
My upper body started looking more defined and muscular as well…BONUS!
Just in time for the warm weather! So, all summer, I’ve happily donned shorts, tank tops, and bathing suits.
I have seen a change over my entire body.
I’m not Miss Universe, but I have muscle all over that I didn’t have before. My core is quite strong and helps me to be able to lift and carry and reach, etc.
AND! I used to have low back pain, but that has absolutely disappeared!
I just now realized that I never feel stiffness anymore!
I used to get out of bed feeling tight; I’d do cat/cow stretches to help it loosen up.
I don’t even think about doing that now! I feel so lithe and strong and comfortable.
I have to include that I am aware of what healthy eating looks like.
I ate well for years, then let that slide for a while.
So when I started the SYMULAST Method, I tossed out the food I knew I shouldn’t have in the kitchen (minus the chocolate bar, which is necessary to satisfy that craving on occasion), and replaced it with a variety of good, fresh, organic items to choose from.
I have a small skeletal frame. I had gotten to the point that I wore medium sized shirts, and my pants were size 8, which is kinda big for my body.
I’m glad to be back to what looks good on this petite woman.
Thank you, Joey Atlas, from the bottom of my heart.
1 – Here is the TV talk show segment she refers to:
2 – these are the options for ordering Naked Beauty/The SYMULAST Method
3 – this is the link to learn about Total-Access (also includes all the Naked Beauty programs), which is what Carol upgraded to for all my other programs, progressions, variations, recipe videos, etc)
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Any questions, comments or thoughts about “Carol’s Cellulite Success Story”? Then just post below or send a private coaching/consulting inquiry via this page.
Here is a link to Beth’s Cellulite Success Story Plus Major Body, Mind and Health Optimization
And here is a link to Diana’s Cellulite Success Story with Cellulite Before & After Photos on Her New Body Makeover
And here is a link to Marcia’s cellulite before and after success story
Here’s the link to Selda’s cellulite before and after photos
And here is the link to Lauren’s 1-Year cellulite success story interview
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