Selda’s Early Cellulite Success Story with Powerful Cellulite Before and After Photos (below) starts with her discovering that the old hardcore, high-impact workouts for punishing and torturing the body to change isn’t the right way for her to get the best results…
And being in the beauty industry, she already knew that NONE of the “cellulite treatments and procedures” worked, as she NEVER saw any woman improve her cellulite issues with any of them.
She posted this a few weeks into the Naked Beauty/SYMULAST Method program (links with info about the program are at bottom of this whole post:
She then got a bunch of great replies/comments under her full post. I’ll share a few here before sharing her photos:
A few days later Selda shared a link to her Instagram, which I’m sharing with you right here, below her “before butt and thigh cellulite photo” here:
And here’s her actual Instagram post showing her early cellulite success with some before and after progress photos: (if you want to see a close-up of the “before” photo, just click on that little arrow in the white circle on her butt on the right)
Pretty amazing right?
Well if you think that’s amazing, check out Diana Belan’s cellulite success story photos, who’s in her mid 60’s at the time of these photos (below)…
NOTE – look at her glutes and thighs in the photo on the left and then look a the smooth, perky and toned shape it all has over on the right.
YES – cellulite removal is REAL… But you must do the right thing, or else it will only keep getting worse (links to get started are below):
Ok, you might be very eager to learn about Naked Beauty/The SYMULAST Method. So here is what to do…
1 – You can watch the “explainer video” here that walks you through the story behind the method and what makes it work for women who do it.
2 – You can just go right to the secure order page for the digital/private online access version here and get started asap from ANYWHERE in the world
3 – or you can check out the DVD/Book set version if you prefer that (you get the online/private access version as a bonus gift if you order the DVD/Book set)
Here is the International order preview page link for the DVD/book set (with International shipping added)
And here is the preview order page link if you’re in the connected 48 USA states (Hawaii and Alaska please use the link above, not this link)