Today, I’m sharing another “1-Month Private Remote Coaching Reflection Letter” from client “KB” (I have several more of these waiting to be published and shared.)
KB shares an inspiring story that MANY people will be able to identity with – and at the time of me sharing this here, she is coming toward the end of her 3rd month of our custom coaching plan and I’m looking forward to sharing her “update” next month…
For now – enjoy this and the gold contained in it.
My 1-Month Reflection Letter – from “KB”
The first time I was introduced to Joey was twelve years back, in 2008.
I was 35 years old, with two young kids, 2 and 6 years old.
Honestly, I cannot remember if I was googling for “cellulite solutions” or something else, but somehow I found Joey online and I signed up for his “Secrets of a Trainer” e-mail letter.
I liked his no-nonsense approach and his solid & realistic advice on exercise and nutrition.
So I soon purchased his Naked Beauty/SYMULAST program and ULBHTM (The Ultimate Leg, Butt, Hip and Thigh Makeover) program.
I got inspired by his approach and used the ULBHTM DVDs fairly regularly together with a jump rope for toning-cardio.
Honestly, I was probably in the best shape of my adult life during that time, pretty lean, with some muscle definition.
I remember getting some compliments at the beach that made not only my day, but my whole summer. 🙂 Sadly enough, life happened and I stopped exercising.
I should say that I was never overweight and I looked ok in clothes.
However, years were going by and I was becoming a “skinny fat”.
My body became softer, some dimples started to show up, first on the back of my thighs and the butt, then on the front of my thighs.
I had no tone, no definition. I became much more self-conscious.
I did not want to wear above the knee dresses or shorts and the beach vacations became torturous and not fun…
I stopped wearing bikini and started buying one-piece swimsuits, like an old lady…. 🙁
I never had a long-term consistent exercise habit and routine.
There were a few years in my life when I was somewhat serious about yoga, and then I quit.
I cannot tell you how many different programs I’ve purchased and never used, such a waste of money!
My husband was upset with me.
He wanted me to join the gym, it was important to him that I would be in top shape.
But I hated gyms, I did not want to go there. The idea never appealed to me.
I’ve seen people exhausting themselves physically and taking pleasure in it, but it was not for me. Maybe something was wrong with me, but somewhere deep inside I knew there should be another way to succeed.
Well, enough was enough. I was 47 years old, and if I cannot get into good shape now, then when would I?
It’s just going to go down the hill from now on, right?
Or maybe not?
One of Joey’s e-mails caught my eye one day and I saw him telling about his remote private coaching. I remember walking with my husband and discussing that.
He thought I should reach out and check out exactly how it worked and if if could be a good fit for me.
So I did, without hoping for much.
Surprisingly, the same day, Joey called me and we had a pleasant conversation.
Long story short – I signed up for 3 months of private remote training & custom coaching with him.
And here I am, writing this one month later.
And I cannot believe it, but I’ve been exercising consistently for the whole month, something I’ve never done before!
It is doable! I can do it!
I am starting to identify myself as a person with a new habit.
I am becoming a person who CAN exercise as part of my lifestyle, and I actually like it!!!
Who would believe it?
Well without even trying I’ve dropped at least 5 pounds.
More importantly my body’s composition is starting to change (something Joey and his Team place priority on), and I am really looking forward to more success.
Joey and I are in touch daily.
He is ready to answer any questions, to support and encourage me.
The daily accountability is extremely helpful.
In addition, having his expert knowledge and understanding of human anatomy and physiology is invaluable!
There is no guessing here.
Joey has the best approach (simple, safe and effective), and as he says “my success is inevitable”.
I like it and I believe it now. 🙂
I am looking forward to the next two months of training with Joey and the whole lifetime of a more confident, happier and healthier ME!
“KB” from Virginia
How sweet is all that!!??
But wait – she’s not even done yet…
Once her 3-month coaching plan is over she’ll be writing another reflection letter and I will post the link to it here so you can see what 2 more months of this unique fitness/coaching style does for people who could never get it right in all past attempts…
I share these success stories not to brag at all – BUT to show people WHAT IS POSSIBLE – no matter your past and no matter when you get started…
AMAZING things ARE possible.
Whatever your goals are – you can reach them, with the proper help and guidance.
You are worth it and your life can be as incredible as you’d like it to be.
Take care of you first and the world gets to be blessed by the best version of YOU!
Any questions, comments, thoughts? Post below or send me a message directly via this page – I always love hearing from someone who is “ready”…
Your trainer for LIFE,
~ Joey “The Truth” Atlas
Hi I have a brain injury so reading all this stuff is hard on me ..please let me know price for total access.. and a program for someone that has bunions, osteoarthritis..I used to be very active but not anymore ..accept for hiking and walking..I currently have your cellulite video..not feeling motivated..I don’t have a home gym
Hi Sarah!
Here is the info page for Total Access:
And here is the direct link to purchase access if you don’t want to read anything on the page above.
You DON’T need the Home-Gym System to use most of the programs, recipes and other materials in Total Access 🙂
See you ‘inside’!