Every one wants more energy. We all want better health. And all of us want to strengthen our well-being…
I was recently invited as a guest on a podcast where I cover all that – and more…
Joshua’s purpose for having me on as a guest is to help his audience, students and clients be able to perform better in all aspects of life, by improving their health and wellness…
What we covered is universal. Meaning, these tips, strategies and insights can be used by anyone at any stage of life – if you want a better life for yourself and those around you.
You can tune into the audio version here on Apple.
Or you can click play below and watch the video version right here:
In this insightful episode, Josh asks me some excellent questions where we cover topics, such as:
1 – How to move away from the “typical” daily eating patterns of most people who are out of shape and increasing their risk medical conditions, because of lack of ‘awareness’…
2 – How to simplify your approach to fitness training so it fits into a busy lifestyle and gives incredible benefits that most people don’t know about
3 – How to beat the afternoon crash and flip it into an energy boosting time of day, to increase health and productivity.
4 – What to do if you’re just starting out or starting all over again after a long layoff from taking care of yourself.
5 – Effective nutrition strategies for eating on the go, or when short on time – no matter where you are.
6 – Critical reasons to avoid the mass-market, mainstream approaches to hard-core workouts, fad diets and other current trends that will soon die …
As you’re watching this – think of a few people who will benefit from what we are covering in this episode and share it with them using the colorful buttons below – or just copy and paste the link to them.
If you want to share it on facebook – this is the direct facebook link to share:
==> This is the link to share on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JoeyAtlasFitness/posts/10157727141292384
Any questions, comments or thoughts? Please post below and let me know… you know I love hearing from you!
Your trainer for LIFE
Joey, I would love to have a written version of your answers, will you ever post it?
Thanks for all the valuable information.
Hi Irma – probably not. It’s a lot of work/time that I just don’t have available. It’s why we do a lot of these by voice and video… There may be a transcription service like Rev.com that you can use to have it all transcribed into text. Let me know!
Thanks for tuning it!
~ Joey 🙂
Greetings from Las Vegas, NV. I thoroughly enjoyed this interview, Joey and Josh! Keep the podcasts coming. The positive, I can do this, kind of message has been very helpful.
Heeeeyyyy, Janet!! So good to hear from you! Thanks, so much for tuning in – it means a LOT! 🙂