Last week we recorded and posted Episode #9 of the “Wellness and Weight-Loss for Women” Podcast and Video Show which featured several helpful topics, such as Dieter’s Dilemma (“I can’t have.” VS “I don’t want.”), Blocking Brain Disease, I Eat These (my grocery bag empties), Critical Travel Fitness Tips
And, right after that episode went live, one of my 1-on-1 Long-Distance coaching clients picked up the ball and ran with it in her own podcast episode, which you can access right here:
Just click the little triangle to ‘play’ the episode.
The reason she did this is because since she started her journey with me 5 months ago – her “I can’t haves.” have been replaced by “I don’t want.”
This is SUPER powerful if you’ve been a yo-yo dieter and/or if you still struggle with food issues and weight problems. Click play and be prepared for a possible mind-shift that may help you overcome one of your greatest hurdles:
If you want to subscribe to Cindi’s Wild Weight-Loss Journey, so you AUTOMATICALLY get each episode she publishes, you can do that right here:
While you’re here – please think of at least one person – or a few thousand people WHO NEED to hear this because they are struggling to find “the way” – trying to find a path to health, wellness, freedom and longevity…
Use the share buttons below to share this page with them. They’ll appreciate you for it.
And if you have any questions, comments or thoughts – please do post below – you know I love hearing from you.
~ Joey Atlas
Hi, I аm thinking аbоut lооsing weight. I dо nоt knоw whаt kind оf рrоgrаm I shоuld use. Whаt dо yоu think аbоut red teа рrоgrаm?
N.O. …. NO.
Are you using any of my programs? If so which ones? IF so how long? If so – have you been consistent? And how is your daily nutrition?