The best shoulder workouts are also the simplest and safest… The problem is, most fitness training sources don’t know what that means.
Fortunately, I do – and since you’re here – you will soon know too 🙂
There’s no shortage of “same old, same old”, recycled exercises being regurgitated by ‘youtube fitness stars’ and ‘instagram trainers’… It’s sad to see, but it’s one of the inherent realities we must face in a day and age where EVERYONE can have a voice…
Your challenge is to DISCERN what is high-quality from what is NOT high-quality… Being that you are here, I can sense you know what ‘quality’ information is…
So – with that in mind, you WILL NOT see the following exercises in the Shoulder Training video above:
No Upright rows
No straight-arm lateral raises
No Bent-over, bilateral rear-delt raises
No behind the neck barbell presses
No overheard shoulder machine presses
None of that joint-jamming, body-busting “hardcore workout” nonsense…
4 Important Aspects of LIIT Fitness Training In This Shoulder Training Session
1 – Slow, controlled movements
This removes momentum from the exercises and lets the muscles do all the work. The muscle fibers get stimulated in a shorter amount of time, with FAR less risk of injury, FAR less post-workout aches and pains and more results to show for the time and effort invested in the session
2 – Pause holds at certain parts of each exercise
This allows the muscles to fully engage in isometric positions. It also helps in reducing/removing momentum from the equation. And it also enhances the mind-body connection both in the specific movements, and life in general.
3 – Minimal rest between sets
This is another highlight of LIIT (Low-Intensity Interval Training). We go from exercise to exercise, only taking a short breather if/when needed. This triggers the cardio-conditioning/fat-burn benefits, and reduces the amount of time needed for any given training session.
4 – Synergistic combinations
The combining of exercises both in grouping and in sequence result in a synergistic effect that produces results. Again, more thorough stimulation of muscle fibers in a shorter amount of time, with less unnecessary stress on the joints and ‘the mind’.
Are You On the SCULPTAFIT Genius Home-Gym VIP Early Notice List Here?
If not, watch this video and GET ON IT!
As always, thanks for reading and watching.
Any questions, thoughts or comments? Please post below, you know I love hearing from you.
And PLEASE do share this post and video with anyone you wish. Just use the ‘easy’ buttons below”
I’ve now watched two of your workouts (arms and this) and it is awesome to see you using this device in so many creative ways! This is just what I meant with the peeping in on your w/o, lol! Thank you for “building” a video-guide for use with the sculptabod, The tapes will be an invaluable resource!
Aw Thank you, Susan!! Actually, going above and beyond dvds for this… WE’ll have a private video library that gets new videos each month – plus a community area where users around the world can connect, etc…
LOTS in the works! 🙂