Another Priceless “Atlas Candid Cam Session”: Some Friday Fitness Fun and Fire With My Older Daughter, Alexa
My father, Giuseppe (“Joe”), is one of the Biggest Influences in my life (more to come on this great story of a childhood that could have gone waaaaayyyyyy wrong).
…And I’ve always strived to be the same for my kids (and other kids), not by force – but “by example”…
In today’s Atlas Candid Cam session, we not only share how that influence has rubbed off – but we also share part of an amazing Bodyweight Chest and Back Training Session on the SCULPTABOD Fitness Unit, in the home gym room:
Alexa, my older daughter, is home for the Summer from Valdosta State in Georgia. While here, she is part of The Team in the SCULPTAFIT Studio helping to coach various classes each week.
She also check in with me almost daily to see “what time are we going for a bike ride” and which home fitness training session is on the schedule… She participates in the SCULPTAFIT Studio sessions 2-3 times per week, so depending on the day, and timing, she follows up with a daddy/daughter workout here at the house…
Here’s a Summary of what we did in this Bodyweight Chest and Back Training Session:
All of these incorporate; Slow-Tempo, LIIT, Asymmetrical Variance (most moves), Pause Holds, etc.. and you’ll see in the video, I spotted Lex when and where necessary if she was only able to do partial bodyweight.
1 – AV Push-ups on Floor Handles
2 – AV Pull-ups
3 – AV Inverted Rows
4 – AV Dips
5 – AV Push-ups on SCULPTABOD Indy Handles
6 – Variation Pull-ups
Sometimes I’ll add a few other exercises to extend the Chest and Back training session, depending on time and energy.
I’ll shoot a video in the next few weeks to show some of those additional movements that add deeper stimulation, and response, while still employing safe synergy as a priority.
Any questions, comments or thoughts? PLEASE post in the comment box below. I’d LOVE to hear from you.
And if you know ANYONE who will appreciate what is shared in the video above, please just use the ‘easy’ buttons below to share this with them.
Hey Joey, thank you so much for the Happy Mothers Day! My son is home from college, so it’s been great! Thank you for all the work outs you share! I have recently been doing them & have really noticed a difference in the core work outs! I love walking, Zumba, etc. but I can tell you none of that did the core that these workouts are doing for me. So thanks again, I really love your work outs that you share & they do work!?
Awww Connie!! I love hearing this! So thank YOU for sharing this sweet feedback!
Which ones are you doing? The free “FIT for LIFE” videos or the Complete Abs/Core DVD set?
Don’t forget to share all this material with your son! 🙂
The fit for life & it’s great! I do need to get the DVD set though cause I would love to try it!
Awesome!! ok – when you’re ready for the DVDs just let me know and I’ll post the links for ordering.
Keep at it! Proud of YOU! 🙂
Yes, please do post the the links for ordering the DVD set. I have tried the online version, but when I went to try to order the DVD set it wouldn’t take me to it? I would love to get the link to order the DVD set. Thank you!
Ok, found it & just ordered my DVD set!?
Hi Connie! this is the link for the complete Abs/Core dvd set (it also has Upper Body level 1 as a free bonus DVD):