You’re going to love this.. It is awesome, in many ways.
I got so much incredible feedback when I shared Joy’s personal wellness/fitness coaching success letter a few days ago – I decided I’ll keep sharing them as long as each client is ok with it (some prefer to keep private, which is totally fine).
So on that note – today I’m sharing a really powerful one from, Cindi. She’s been with me for just over a month and she wrote a moving 1-month progress & reflection letter a few days ago.
She emailed it to me with 3 things:
1 – a short intro
2 – her daily “check-in” summary for the day
3 – the actual 1-month progress reflection
I decided to share all 3 of those items with you – because together they make for quite a powerful combo that will inspire, awaken and motivate readers into new action and new mindsets…
After reading please do share this with anyone else you wish and if you need the same kind of help, just send us an email with your main challenges, issues and problems and we’ll get you on the coaching waiting list.
Ok – here is Cindi….
1 – her short intro
Joey Atlas. Wow.
You know this is still amazing to me.
Joey Atlas the fitness guy is working with me! Sounds funny right?!
As I wrote my coaching reflection on my first month being in coaching with Joey, it amazes me how many lies are told to get people to buy into a program, a pill, a fad, even if it is a lie.
They prey on the weak and vulnerable.
I remember how it felt when I would see an infomercial, oh they made it sound so good, and so promising, that I was compelled to buy what it was they were selling.
It’s as bad as refined sugar. It’s an addiction. They are so wicked!
The train to nowhere that never stops, yet it continues to pick up passengers along the way. I don’t know how many tickets I purchased for that ride!
I do know though, when that train went by Joey Atlas, I jumped off and took my bumps and bruises for the hope that he was offering!
BEST decision I have made for my health!
Can I scream it from the rooftops?!
Can I yell at the top of my lungs?!
Joey, I love you and who you are, and what you stand for, and how much you have helped me in just one month!!!!!!!!!
I am sending hugs and kisses in the spirit to YOU my friend for Life!
~As Always
And here is:
My Summary for June 5, 2019
Good morning Sunshine!
Joey is truly keeping in my remembrance – gratefulness.
Something I have learned and practiced over the years but seemed to have forgotten. The Lord is using Joey to stir up all that is in me, that He has taught me.
I am truly so ever grateful for that. I am grateful for an amazing leader – Joey.
I know, he hears this a lot, and that’s just confirmation to him that he is doing things, moving and shaking!
Moving and shaking people out of their comfort zone! LOL.
No walking this morning. Needed that sleep and not rushing out to walk. Just realized that I have a 1-hour massage today! Oh, my goodness I cannot wait for that.
It has been many years since I had one. This I won at an auction for Isaiah’s school. I pray that this guy is good! I am planning on a great day; therefore, I will have a great day!
Have still been dealing with the lethargy feeling mid-week. It kicks my butt. I don’t like this. I do not like the way it feels nor the way my body responds. Joey says this will pass as I begin to lose more weight.
You know what? I believe him. He has not steered me wrong.
I tried to take a nap and that didn’t work well. Just after dinner though I lied down again, and this time I did sleep. It helped somewhat.
The massage was okay. As I lay there, I thought to myself that I will not go anywhere else, but that my friend will be the only one to touch my body and give me a massage. Until I meet Joey’s massage therapist that is.
The following is a reflection of the past month with Joey. A little history and how I feel about where I am today, one month later.
My 1-month Progress Reflection:
I never thought I would be where I am today mentally.
One month ago, I began working with Joey. That in and of itself is something beyond me. He was chosen for me, and I have never looked back nor wondered what I was doing.
Up until a month ago I was on the merry go round of an eating disorder.
I never looked at my issues that way, yet, that is exactly what it was. I never needed a reason to eat, like a person who never needs a reason to drink.
Yes, I justified my habit of eating every feeling on earth, and I was very good at it. I learned how to eat in private, no one would know, I left no evidence.
Who wants to be called out when you already know what you are doing?
I did not want my husband to know the depth of my problem. I didn’t even want to admit it.
Over the years I knew that I wanted to change, to change my eating habit, my body, everything about Cindi.
I tried everything there was to help me. Workout videos, diets, pills, not eating, eating more, you name it and I did it.
Each and every time I tried something, I was gung-ho, until about a month in. I would get bored, I would get hungry, and I would just get tired of no results.
I had not hit “bottom” yet.
All of those so-called diets, and fitness instructors, they all lacked one very major thing, mindset.
I didn’t know it then, I do now. I didn’t fail at all of those things, they failed me.
They did not teach me that unless I could change how I looked at food, how I perceived physical fitness, NOTHING would ever change for me.
It appears about 5 years ago I found Joey Atlas.
I even purchased something from him. Who knows where that went?!
I don’t recall actually reading many, if any, emails I received, I did keep them though, maybe a video or two I watched.
Time and season. When the student is ready the teacher appears.
And that is EXACTLY what happened. Joey appeared.
Even though I had been receiving emails from some fitness guy that I never really followed; one day, just over a month ago, I got another email from Joey Atlas.
Now, this was not just to me, it was to everyone that is on the email list.
I read this one, for some reason, I read THIS one.
It said that Joey had a private 1 on 1 coaching spot available and anyone interested just needed to respond to the email.
What got into me?
I responded without hesitation.
His response was, the spot was taken.
Okay, wasn’t the time for me. Maybe next time. Not!
It ended up working out for me to have a very coveted spot with this guy Joey Atlas. I am so blessed that I made it in.
Joey began not by throwing workouts at me, do this, do that.
No, he began by asking about me. Who I am and what led me to this place?
He didn’t put me on a restricted diet and tell me that lack of food and expending energy that I didn’t have will get me to lose weight.
No, he began teaching me that food is not the enemy.
He was teaching me that I needed to change my mindset.
It was very different from the fitness world that I knew and I knew from day 1 that Joey had what it took to help me.
A 52-year-old woman that all but gave up on the dream that I would, could be healthy. Not to only look good on the outside, on the inside too.
That was my breaking point. My bottom. It was my health.
I had a hard time walking up the stairs and not feeling like I was going to die. My doctor told me that I had arthritis in both knees. I was over-weight. My feet swelled all of the time.
I was just not going in the right direction. And I was sick and tired of it.
Joey has changed all of that in my life. Because I was willing, I was coachable and I was motivated, to finally do something about my life.
I truly never thought that I would feel like this again, I didn’t truly believe that I would be a fit woman.
I don’t think I ever was a fit woman, not both inside and out.
There were many times over this past month that I wanted to go back to the old ways, the old habits of eating whatever whenever.
I haven’t done that. Joey has made such an impact on my life that I don’t want to mess up my progress.
The progress, let me say, is not as noticeable on the outside as it is on the inside!
I know that by me listening to the teacher, the one who has gone thru so much of what I went thru, that I will continue to become healthier each day I live.
I am choosing to not be rebellious when it comes to my health.
Believe me it has not been easy. It was really difficult for me. I thought that I had to be deprived of food, my thinking was so messed up.
In the beginning with Joey, I would cry, I was so hungry, and I thought that I could only eat rabbit food; salad, with lettuce and stuff.
I actually went more than a few days, maybe a solid week before I began to understand that it was a lie, and that my food choices were far more varied and wide-ranging than just that!
I was believing lies about eating. But through a gentle process, Joey is helping me change that, not by forcing a “diet”, but simply by helping me understand some truths that we’ve all been blinded to by society and the mass media…
God gave us good food to eat, and I’m learning that.
Not the processed stuff that comes in bags, and boxes, all the things that I enjoyed tasting and swallowing, it didn’t matter that it made me sick!
I can look back and ask myself what took me so long to get this?
It can only be because I was not ready. And I was also misled for many years, just like most people are. But I take responsibility for that now.
I am looking forward to continuing to move forward with Joey.
I have come to love and understand true accountability.
I am so grateful that Joey found a place for me.
Good night,
I love reading Cindi’s message! I’m so happy that she has found her happy place in working with you. We are all on our own journeys and trying to sort out good information from bad – some failures and successes along the way.
Tinaaaaaaa….!! Great to hear from you! Thanks for posting your thoughts.
I hope all is well and you’re sticking to your home fitness programs on the SCULPTAFIT Home-Gym System 🙂
Let me know!