A hidden matrix of negativity prevents most people from ever being able to get “in shape”, as most people will admit “they wish they could be”…
It prevents people from being healthy, fit and truly happy…
The majority of people being out of shape, depressed, in pain, aging pre-maturely, and flat out UNHEALTHY – is no accident.
It’s a result of collective mindset, societal norms of laziness and commonly accepted, default modern behaviors that steer away from consistent physical activity and healthy eating habits….
That is the foundation of the “The Matrix Negativity”
Even though we are speaking of this in the context of ‘fitness, health, and wellness’ – this Matrix is ever-present and influences ALL aspects of life, but that is a topic for another day…
The silver lining here is that we are all capable of freeing ourselves from “The Matrix Negativity” – and it all starts with step 1, which is “Awareness”:
You can listen to the audio only/podcast version here, if you prefer:
Beating the Matrix of Negativity Step 1: True Awareness Is the First Step In Conquering Negativity In Your Life
And you can get every episode of The Fitness Whisperer podcast (FREE) here: https://www.TheJoeyAtlas.com/iTunes
As this episode is focused on “Awareness”, which is Step 1 – I will be adding a few more episodes on the subject, in addition to adding a few blog posts going even deeper into the various layers of the Matrix of Negativity.
When I speak of the layers – in the most basic sense, I’m referring to the elements of negativity that are subconscious and conscious. For example, conscious can refer to someone premeditating an action against a friend or loved one, to undermine their positive efforts of self-improvement.
And an example of the subconscious type is where someone believes something along the lines that sounds like this; “Oh, I’m not into fitness and working out…”
Those words indicate an internal belief, that “fitness” and “working out” are only for people “who are into it” as a hobby, or a leisure activity… AND that the medical system “is supposed to keep me healthy..”
As a note to myself, and something for you to look for more of in the future from me – I’ll also touch on the self-delusional aspect of people “excusing” themselves from the disciplined lifestyle that is required to achieve and maintain favorable health, energy and quality of life. (It’s easier to be lazy, passive and ‘unconscious’ – but the price is paid many-fold for the ‘lazy existence’.)
That’s a very basic, short-hand summary of the topic. And for today’s purpose, it should suffice to set the stage for deeper delves into the various aspects of Negativity so that you can identify it, isolate it – and then create your powerful action plan to conquer it – and replace it with your Matrix of Positivity.
As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts, comments or questions below. Whatever is on your mind – I want to hear it… Just use the box below.
And don’t forget to share this video and page by using the ‘easy’ buttons below… You never know whose life you will change with one simple gesture of positivity.
Hi Joey, I have bought both of your programs The Symulast cellulite and the lbhtw and have been doing it 3x a week for 6 months. I have seen very little results and I started right into the advanced program. What am I doing wrong?
Hi Joanne… I’ll need a bit more info – but this could be part of the odd start; ” I started right into the advanced program.”
Please give me more details on that approach to starting.. the more the better.. some history, etc…
And how would you specifically describe the improvements you’re seeking?
Which program 3 x per week? and how many times through?
What are you doing on the other days?
Great video the Matrix of Negativity. Makes total sense and look forward to more. Definitely been in and out of both a positive and negative matrix throughout my life. I would like to be able to stay in a positive matrix once and for all. Thanks!
Thanks for posting here, Cindy! One tip to keep in mind is that we create the Matrix we wish to surround ourselves with – and effect others with.. Just a little extra take-away there.. Food for thought. More is on the way 🙂
Spread the word!
The problem is that once you’re in a place where you feel horrible about your physical self, it affects your mental self. When you take yourself to a gym and see all these women (and I’m speaking as someone who was extremely active up until my mid 30’s and never had any body issues…I’m now in my mid 40’s and not overweight but no longer toned) who seem to be doing this as a hobby or pro and they look perfect and at their goal….even though you are aware you need to work at it and it doesn’t happen overnight, seeing these women in a physical place you question whether or not you’ll ever achieve almost makes you want to go back home and stick your head in a hole. What would help me is knowing FOR ME and my body type, if I am consistent at the work, how long should it take with proper nutrition? I ask bc it feels endless. Not as a lifestyle process, but as a person constantly trying to reach a goal that has stayed out of my reach. Not in my youth, only as I’ve gotten older.
It’s the not knowing if what you’re doing is ever going to work once you hit a different body type phase in your life. When you’re young, it’s easy to burn off. When you get older, where the F do you start for your body type? I’ve read how bad it is to simply throw exercises together and hope for the best. I also know any exercise is better then none. But even when people start to work out, they usually do a bunch of exercises and think it’s enough. Maybe I’m different, I’m trying to get to a place of being in a bikini competition look-wise. Whether I’ll actually sign up for a show is a different story but I want to look as if I could step on a stage. I want to be healthy doing it though. I don’t want to develop too low of body fat etc. My questions are: how do you know where to start for your body type where you aren’t just grinding gears and wasting time? And where it’s healthy? How does a 44 year old woman approach a bikini body and how long should see expect that to take if she works at it 3-4 days a week? What exercises are a waste of time in this situation? (i.e. not enough muscle stimulation with age to see enough change? etc.) Thank you Joey, you’re a gem and I value your expertise.
Hi Courtney – thanks for taing the time to post all this…
Let’s start this with one question: Have you been using any of my programs or free videos? If so – which ones and for how long?
If none of my materials – can you share (a general summary) what type of program you have been following for the last 6 months?
More to share on this – but let’s take this in small steps.
Thanks, Courtney!
Joey, that was right on,
I spend so much time, wanting it and thinking about it, but my action is weak and my derailment is often.
Trying to find the WHY that keeps me on the track, no matter what comes my way. And the exercise that works for me. This was a very good session, made me look at some things differently. I really appreciate it.
Thanks for sharing that, Gaye Lynn.
The “why” has to be more than just what you see on the surface… It has to be about your ENTIRE life… health, longevity, quality of daily life, etc… And YES, healthy vanity is a part of it all 🙂
Curious to know if you’re using any of my programs or free videos to help with the specific “what to do” part?
Let me know!
I appreciate the message and I feel like I do pretty well staying positive but I’m definitely feeling negative about the cellulite on my thighs and back of legs. I purchased the symulast program and the diet plan. This is my second week doing both diligently except for pizza and dessert one night. I have yet to see any results. How long should it take to start seeing results? I have always been fit but have struggled with cellulite since my college soccer days ended. It seems to be getting worse with age regardless of how much weight I lift on my legs or have much cardio I do.
Ok so you’re 2 weeks into this? If I understand correctly then you want to be patient. The body needs time to resond, to change, to improve… 2 weeks is just getting started.
Some women need about 2-4 months to see improvements – some shorter (4-6 weeks)..
You mentioned the lifting weight and the excessive cardio. As you saw in my presentation video – those are usually counterproductive when it comes to the dimples and shadows of cellulite. It sounds like you have stopped those? Or cut down on cardio…
Don’t feel like you have to follow the nutrition plan to the T… especially if you eat healthy normally. Use it as a guideline.
All make sense?