Today the “Atlas Candid Cam” brings you a…
6 Minute Abs and Core Workout: 3 Resistance Band Exercises for a Better Midsection
If you’ve been snooping around my world a bit, you know I do things a bit differently. This sliver of today’s abs/core workout in the home gym falls into the same ‘Joey Atlas Genre’…
UNIQUE by Mindful, Intentional Design…
When I say “unconventional, non-traditional, against the norm…” this is one example of what I mean… this is one of the elements that draws people to me, because they hear a different “message” coming through. A message that permeates my entire approach to triggering realistic habits of effective fitness in the busyness of modern life… More to come on that in the next few weeks.
Some important ab/core fitness training notes for you:
A – Again, notice how I train barefoot (LOTS of benefits). Yes the socks where on until they had me “slippin for grippin”, but as you’ll see in the video, even they had to come off so I could get some more traction.
B – My repetition ranges are low (Quality over Quantity)
C – I share 3 synergistic exercises in the video (# 3, 4, 5 below). All 8 moves combined took me about 18 minutes total. That’s it.
==> NOTE: you can anchor your bands at the top of a doorway – or anything strong enough to ‘handle’ the pull.
1 – Slow-Rep Planks
2 – Ab Wheel Roll Outs
3 – Hi-Lo Bands Turns with Focus on Abs/Core <==
4 – Stagger-Stance Hi-Lo Band to Back Foot with Focus on Abs/Core <==
5 – Wide-Stance Hi-Lo Side to Side with Focus on Abs/Core <==
6 – Cross-Leg Reverse Core-Curl
7 – Open Scissor-Ups
8 – Slow-Rep Side Planks
This Low-Intensity (LIIT) high-stimulation abs/core training session is a great representation of the new program I’m aiming to release toward the end of this Summer (2017)…
“FS-7” – Fitness Simplified, 7-Day Cycle Method
“FS-7” can be used by any fitness level, and can incorporate any of the videos from my video library as well. So you’ll be getting the new “FS-7” videos, PLUS the overall structure & strategy that allows you to ‘plug-in’ any of my other videos training segments from the Private “On-Demand” fitness training library…
The biggest benefit to you is Decreased Fitness Training Time with Increased, Better Results…
Founder Client spots for “Atlas Ultimate Access On-Demand – Private Online Health Club” Opening In a Few Days
Keep your eyes peeled for my next few emails, because Founder Client spots will be limited and will go on a “First Come, First Served” basis…
Anyone who signs up as a Founder Client in Atlas Ultimate Access “On-Demand” Private Online Health Club at the End of this week, will get “FS-7” at no charge when I release it… (plus a bunch of other “Founder Client” programs and bonuses, to be announced later this week).
Any questions, comments of thoughts at all – please post below, you know I love hearing from you.
I love you Joey Atlas
So informative.
Hope to get abs like you one day. Thanks for all your help.
God Bless you,
Awwwww Maureeeeeeen! Love you too!
Thanks for tuning in and taking action.
Keep me posted on your progress!
Joey 🙂
Maureen simply says what I feel too…..Joey, you are in my life forever. What you teach – and EXEMPLIFY – cannot be ignored. It is just so easy with Joey. Every level can do it.
I can’t tell you how much it means to hear this, Penelope.
Joey 🙂
Hi Joey,
Thanks for the video clip.
I’m a young Australian man, in pretty good nick for 71.
I usually hang for a minute or so in the morning, then do 15 to 20 each of pull ups, chin ups, right / left pull ups,and left / right pull ups.
I am using a 36 inch set of bolt cutters which I hold in front of me, open as wide as possible 20 to 30 times. and do the same behind the back as well.
Currently experimenting with a set of tree shears … I put a strong rubber band around the base of both handles and use them like an archer.. push and pull on one ,and then the other side.
I also do some push ups. Ballroom dancing 3-4 times a week is fantastic and I Fence ( Foil) twice a week. Life is great and by Grace, the Good LORD provides everything I need.
Open to any, and all suggestions,comments, ideas , alternatives.Very interested in what you’re doing, and would like to know how I’d benefit from your program? Founder client etc.
Hello Jay! This is great to hear… LOVE the fact that you are proving the value of consistent exercise in the “second half of life”, when it means even more…
Let me know if you have found the free membership acess on this site (FIT for LIFE video training series), if you haven’t you can sign up from any page, home page, etc…
Atlas Ultimate Access Founder Client info will be coming out in a few days, or early next week… We are working hard to get all the pieces in place for a smooth and powerful start of something I plan on growing into a large and positive, global community.
I think these look great but not sure I could replicate at home without the set up you have with the bands.
Hi Teri – do you have bands yet? If you do they should have come with a doorway anchor. If not – there are other ways to anchor your bands at home or the office, or when traveling.
Let me know 🙂
Hi Joey Nice workout I never worked out regularly but stayed in fair shape. Now at 68 the bowflex does not get much use. I enjoy your videos and you give so much and ask so little back.
I hope you the best
God bless
Don Irish Pro
Hey Don! Great to hear from you – thanks for following along. Hopefully you try some of the exercises and create a mini routine for yourself 🙂
Thanks for the good words