Today I’m sharing 3 Powerful Back-Pain RELIEF Stretches to Improve Posture & Boost Energy: PART 1
If you don’t have an exercise ball yet, this is the one I recommend. (see size chart below video) I have one at home, several clients have it and we have 2 of them at the SCULPTAFIT Studio.
I actually have 4 of these exercise balls in different colors as I’ve somehow collected a bunch over the years. You can also take it along on travel by deflating it and bringing the mini hand pump it comes with.
Here’s the exercise ball sizing chart:
The video above is PART 1.
In today’s PART 1 I demonstrate the following back ache relief stretches:
1 – Face-up, Fully-Open Total Back, Shoulders, Hips, and Neck Stretch
2 – Side Arch Stretch (both sides)
3 – Seated Mid, Lower-Back and Hamstring Stretch Down the Middle
If you like what PART 1 does for you then you will LOVE what PART 2 does for you…
PART 2 is here in the ATLAS-SCULPTAFIT Club Video-On-Demand Portal and PARTS 3 and 4 will be added in there in the next several weeks.

PART 2 includes the 3 Back Stretches in PART 1 – plus it includes 3 more progressive stretching exercises:
1 – Seated Side Stretches (both left and right)
2 – Shoulder, Scapula, Lats Stretches
3 – Glutes, Lower-Back, Thigh and Tibialis (shin muscles) Stretches
Enjoy the video above – please share it with at least one family member, friend, and/or co-worker who will appreciate it and benefit from it.
If you want to “go further” with me and everyone else who is already part of this ‘unique movement”, but haven’t checked out the ATLAS-SCULPTAFIT Club Private Video-On-Demand site, then click below to have a look…
This gives you EVERYTHING you need for staying on the “proper path to optimum fitness & wellness”
Any questions comments or thoughts? Post in the comment box below, you know I love hearing from you…
Your trainer for LIFE,
Joey Atlas
More ball exercises please
Thanks, Rita! What are your goals?
I saw this- thanks- awesome- will try it out thanks Joey- Patricia
Let me know how you do!!
Excellent stretches, Joey. We have been using swiss balls for years but these stretches are specifically just what my husband and need to add to our backcare regimen. Looking forward to viewing second video. Thank you!
Excellent, Danyelle! The second video (PART 2) is in the Video-On-Demand portal – if you want the link for 2-Weeks free access – it’s in the blog post above 🙂
Either way keep me posted on your and hubby’s progress! and please share with others you know who can use the help.
Great video. Thank you!
Besides myself, I’ve shared your video to those it may benefit, as well.
Awesome, Kathleen!! 🙂 THANKS!