In all my years of being in the field of fitness, exercise and training the body & mind… One thing has become very obvious which is still overlooked by many…
I share it in this video:
Yes – our joints…
Just consider the major joints first: Shoulder, neck, elbow, wrist, hips, knees, ankles, and all the vertebral joints of the spine…
Those are the most common areas of injury when it comes to orhthopedics and physical therapy. Below is a very simple view of the major joints of the body:
Even the tiny joints of all the toes are potential injury targets, depending on what is being done with the body. For example…
Take the ridiculous exercise known as “the burpee”. This is another exercise you should avoid.
There are plenty of injuries that can result from this moronic movement… Just search for “toe injuries caused by burpees”
That’s just one example. There are a lot of others.
The point I’m making in the video is that we must be wise and “do our fitness training” in a way that protects our joints – NOT wears them down – and doesn’t put them at high risk of injury.
When the joints are hurting or “broken” – it takes away our ability to move properly, and sometimes, to move at all.
We need to be able to move well in order to live well.
Can you think of one person who will benefit from seeing this video when you hare it with them?
Just use the colorful buttons below and beam it over to them right now. They’ll love ya for it.
Any questions, comments or thoughts? Post below and let me know…
Your trainer for LIFE
Joey Atlas
Dear Joey
I am going on 45. I live in the most beautiful George, Western Cape, South Africa. Here, we have all the outdoor space to enjoy our daily fitness in. I live on the edge of the mountain, so when we go for a run or a mountain bike session, we just go into the mountain from our driveway and can do anything from 5km to 100km without seeing tar roads.
I recently started swimming twice a week. We want to do a small tri-athlon in November, so we cycle, run and swim. Moderatelt, I might add. But I need a strength training program to add to this cardio to secure my core strength, glutes and arms. Any ideas?
Sounds awesome, Madri!
Yes – ideas for sure! Go here and join asap ==>
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Keep me posted!