Joey Atlas Thu, 20 Jul 2023 23:12:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 © 2017 Joey Atlas The Fitness Whisperer Joey Atlas Simplified Fitness, Nutrition and Mindset for an Optimal Life Joey Atlas No Julie's Fat-Loss, Cellulite Reduction, Body-Rocking, Spirit Renewing, LIFE Lifting Fitness Success Thu, 20 Jul 2023 23:11:05 +0000

Julie’s Fat-Loss, Cellulite Reduction, Body-Rocking, Spirit Renewing, LIFE Lifting Fitness Success

In this new episode of The Fitness Truth Podcast, former private coaching client and another HUGE Success Story, Julie, reveals:

1 – the reduction in her excess weight, her stunning improvements in body-composition, sculpting newly defined muscles in her late 40’s..

2 – how a cellulite blasting device made her cellulite worse, and what she did to start healing the damage and reducing her cellulite dimples, ripples and shadows in the trouble-zones and problem areas

3 – how her mind and spirit have shifted profoundly to make her whole approach to fitness training and proper delicious nutrition natural, easy and totally sustainable for life

4 – the dramatic changes in her sleep, energy, mobility, capabilities..

5 – how she LOVES looking in a mirror and sometimes can’t believe the new woman she sees in the mirror is actually her…

6 – how she now loves shopping for new smaller cute outfits and how she can now wear clothes that she had in storage for 20 years (this has blown her mind!!)

7 – why she is no longer self-conscious, SUPER comfortable in her own skin and has no inhibitions about her body, her looks or who might be looking at her (this is profound!)

8 – So many women are very disturbed this thing called “cellulite”… Julie shares her current 20% reduction and how it’s continually improving ( despite damage with a fasciablaster device)…

10 – How her former trouble-zones, problem-areas and saggy regions are all toned, sculpted and getting firmer and better each month (especially her BUTT/glutes!!)

Any woman who wants to get rid of cellulite, improve her whole body, tone-up everywhere, drop excess fat and flab, feel AMAZING in her own skin and regain, sanity, strength, freedom of life needs to watch this episode as we reveals truths that you won’t find, hear or see anywhere else.

Any questions, comments or thoughts about “Julie’s Fat-Loss, Cellulite Reduction, Body-Rocking, Spirit Renewing, LIFE Lifting Fitness Success” from Exercise Physiologist and Private Health Coach, private accountability coach & Fitness Consultant, Joey “The Truth” Atlas – then please post below.

Get your free LIIT Power-Start Home-Fitness Training video program, TONED at HOME, nutrition simplification, plus a QUICKLY-FIT “Rapid Results” recipe/cooking video at

You can also view the video version of this episode here on the youtube channel:

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Any questions, comments or thoughts about “Julie’s Fat-Loss, Cellulite Reduction, Body-Rocking, Spirit Renewing, LIFE Lifting Fitness Success”? Then just post below or send a private coaching/consulting inquiry via this page link.

Here is a link to Beth’s Cellulite Success Story Plus Major Body, Mind and Health Optimization

And here is a link to Diana's Cellulite Success Story with Cellulite Before & After Photos on Her New Body Makeover

And here is a link to Marcia’s cellulite before and after success story

Here’s the link to Selda’s cellulite before and after photos

And here is the link to Lauren’s 1-Year cellulite success story interview
Lauren fbpost 1year cellulite before and after photos progress update

Joey Atlas Cellulite Success Story before and After photos and Interview for Lauren with Joey Atlas

]]> 0 Julie, 48, Reveals the Secrets to Her Fat-Loss, Cellulite Reduction ( despite the damage from a fasciablaster device ), Body-Rocking, Spirit Renewing, LIFE Lifting Fitness Success No No 0:00 Joey Atlas cellulite reduction, damage from fasciablaster, fasciablaster, fat-loss, fitness success story, healthy weight loss success story